Monday, June 2, 2014

How my life was saved before I was even born: A Pro-Life Story


     My mother was told that she could not conceive a child after she had my older brother. My parents had wanted more children and were devastated, but decided they would not give up and were going to pursue adoption. My parents let their families know that they were going to start looking into adoption and get the process started. My fathers family told the news to our extended family in Chicago. It was discovered that one of my fathers cousins was a lawyer who was just confronted by my biological mother and family. She was expressing a strong interest in starting the adoption process and thought a lawyer would help advise them on the next step to take. My biological mother was only 17 when she found out that she was pregnant with me. Her father had left and remarried and left her mother and 3 kids alone and my biological father turned his back on her when she told him she was pregnant. They were struggling and knew that they could not care for me and abortion was not something that my biological mother wanted.
      The cousin informed my family at once and stated it was meant to be. The same day he heard the news of my parents wanting to adopt was the day my biological family called for him to start the process to put me up for adoption. All the paperwork was done quick and quiet enough that I was able to go home with my parents after I was born.
This picture shows my family the day they brought me home from the hospital.

In this photo my mother is feeding me for the first time.

I was baptized a few days later. My godparents actually ended up being my fathers cousin, the lawyer who completed my adoption and his wife. Without them I would have never ended up with my family. Here is a picture of me being baptized.

I was blessed with very wonderful parents and also 2 brothers. Yes 2! My mother ended up becoming pregnant about 5 years after I was born. It was a miracle and she had no serious problems during the pregnancy.
     I did also find and meet my birth mother and her family in 2009 due to a website that helps you find children and birth parents from adoptions. I think it takes a lot of strength and love for my birth mother to make a decision like she did. I could never even imagine how it would have felt to have to give up my children after carrying them for 8 months.
     My life was saved because my biological mother believed my life was worth it. She believed I deserved a chance even if it meant that she was not part of it. So if someone asks me why I am Pro-Life, it’s not just because of my religion but because I am alive today.

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