Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Pascual and the Kitchen Angels Craft

This week we are working on the letter A and I really love doing activities and crafts about Angels. Today we read a book by the amazing author Tomie dePaola. The book is called Pascual and the Kitchen Angels. This book is great for children around 4 years old. 

It tells the story of baby born called Pascual and how he is blessed and watched over by angels as he grows. When Pascual becomes a young man he wants to go help feed the hungry and decides to become a Franciscan. When he arrives he is asked to cook, but he does not know how and begins to pray. The Angels help Pascual and cook the meal for him. The Friars were so happy they asked him to continue cooking for them, so the Angels did each time because Pascual continued to pray. One day the Friars peeked in on Pascual and saw the Angels cooking for him and realized how blessed Pascual was!
This story is a great to learn about San Pascual for he is known as the patron saint of the kitchen and cooks!

After reading the story we decided to do a fun and easy craft to focus on the Angels in the book. Materials you will need are :

- foam/paper Angels cut outs
- markers, crayons and/or colored pencils
- hole punch
- ribbon or string 
- scissors 

You can really use any materials to decorate your Angels. 

I found clearance foam Angels from Michaels after Christmas and got the pack for about $.30 ( I always pick up that stuff for such a deal! You never know!) 

The pack had white and blue , my daughter decided to use the white Angels.

You can cut the Angels out also on cards torn or even paper plates also. Here is a link to one

Decorate and color the Angels as your child chooses. We decided to use marker on the foam. My daughter decorated 2 and I helped with 2.

After we were finished decorating my daughter practiced writing the letter A on the back of the angel(for older kids they can write the word or even decorate that side ). Use the hole punch to put a a hole in each Angels head area. You also want to take only 1 angel and also punch a hole in each wing and one on the bottom.

Use your ribbon to connect the Angels together like a mobile in a way. After all the Angels were attached we found a space in our kitchen to hang them. 

Now we have some Angels in our kitchen to help us cook! 

God Bless
